Put Your Garden to Bed
Put Your Garden to Bed
A little preparation now will improve your garden when spring rolls around. Here are some ideas from The Old Farmer’s Almanac so you can have an even better season next year:
Get the weeds out of there! This will help eliminate pests.
Till the soil. This also helps to prevent insects like Japanese Beetles.
Cover in compost. Leaves, manure, or lime tilled into the soil will prep it for next year.
Sow cover crops. Winter rye and other cover crops will add nutrients to the soil for next year’s planting.
Relentless weeds? Cover them in black plastic or cardboard for the winter and into early spring. This will kill sprouting seeds.
May not be fun thinking about it, but winter will come no matter what. A little time spent now, can improve your garden for next year. Read the entire list of how to handle all sorts of gardens at The Old Farmer’s Almanac.