Why it’s good to be great.
And If It’s All About You, Then It’s All About Greatness.
“Welcome to our store. We need to be a great store because we have great customers. Your expectations are high, as they should be, and we need to meet your expectations everyday and every hour our store is open. It’s pretty easy to tell that we’re not your average grocery store. You can tell from our website or the minute you enter our store. We’re devoted to fresh produce, fresh products, and a fresh approach to the retail experience. We’re also devoted to customer feedback so we can improve if we don’t meet your expectations. So I’m going to do something that’s rarely done in this business. I’m going to share my email address so you can contact me if something’s not sitting right with you, if you have an idea, suggestion or even a compliment. Above all, please know that we’re not above it all; we appreciate all that you have done for us.”

Top Quality
You better believe it. You shouldn’t settle for anything less and we won’t either. In this case, less is not more.

Better Service
It better be. Any excuse for lousy service is going to be a lousy excuse. So count on us to provide service excellence.

Responsible Sourcing
It’s better here. And that means stocking the shelves whenever possible with incredible local products.

We’re in the Community Spirit
And not just here and there and hither and thither. We’re committed to the Madison-area community day and night, warm and wintery, stormy or still. Do you have a charitable request for us? Take a few moments, fill out the form on our Community Commitment Page, and hit submit.