
  • Jamie Patrick, Vice-President, Madison Area Sports Commission
  • Chris McIntosh, Assistant to the Athletic Director, UW Athletic Department
  • Tiffany Kenney, Executive Director, Madison's Central Business Improvement District

Complimentary lunch provided. 

Registration: Attendance for this program is limited to 30 people and is open to DMI members only. There is no cost for members to attend, but registration is required and space is available on a first come, first served basis. Members can register online or by contacting Maddie Larson, DMI Office Administrator and Special Projects Manager at [email protected]or 608-512-1331 by Thursday, February 25th and are suggested to limit attendance to one (1) representative per company. 

Parking: The nearest recommended parking is located in the University Square underground parking ramp (enter on Lake Street, between Johnson Street and University Avenue and standard rates apply). Other nearby parking is located in the City of Madison State Street Campus parking ramp (enter from N. Lake St. and standard parking rates apply). A limited amount of metered street parking may also be available.

Event Date

Monday, February 29, 2016 - 11:45am to 1:00pm