Why Your Lettuce Prices Have Gone Up
You love lettuce. Nature is doing everything she can to keep up.
That’s the short version of the story. California was in dire need of rain, and when it came, it came hard, and at the worst possible time. Just as the iceberg lettuce seeds were going in the ground in Salinas Valley, California got the rain it desperately needed.
The rains were so heavy, many seeds were washed away. By the time the soil dried enough to start over, there was no way to plant enough lettuce to keep up with the massive demand. The good news is, you and your friends are eating healthy. You love lettuce. A lot. The very temporary tough news is, supplies are tight. In addition to the challenges faced in the fields for iceberg lettuce, romaine and mixed leaf supplies are tight. Temperatures have been warmer than usual, which has caused an increase in insects, and then those rains came.
At Fresh Madison Market, we work behind the scenes to stay on top of situations like this. We are in continuous contact with farms in our area, and across the country, so we can keep prices low and fair. More importantly, we have strict quality control to make sure the produce you buy is fresh and delicious. Anything less would be sacrificing the promise we made to you. Like any commodity from gasoline to coffee beans, we have times when supply just cannot keep up with demand. Our buyers and growers are confident this temporary and prices should settle down.
We have been getting many questions about the sudden change in the price of lettuce, and we always want to be open and honest with you. You have been loyal to us, and we will always keep our commitment to you to have fresh food readily available, at a price that is fair.
We always encourage questions and suggestions of how we can make Fresh Madison Market better for you every day. Please don’t hesitate to contact us anytime.