Smart Ideas for Back to School
You’ll be sending the kids back to teachers any day now. Teachers would like you to know that there’s more to “back to school” than just buying pens and paper. Teachers recommend getting back into a regular sleep routine now, so the first day of school isn’t so jarring on young schedules. This is a good time to work on a daily plan for school. Everything from when to get up, when to do homework, and when to play can be set up now to ease the transition. When shopping for school supplies, do it with your kids so they feel like part of the process. When you get home, find a homework station. This is a place designated for one thing: Homework. Look into getting a physical, eye exam, or dentist appointment now, so you’re not scrambling at the last minute. Most importantly, prepare for the unexpected. There will always be surprises in the first few days of school. The more you can anticipate their arrival, the less surprising the surprises will be.